Sunday, December 8, 2013

I'm Getting Married!!!

I've always known I wanted to get married and be someone's wife. When I met Dan, I knew pretty fast that I wanted to be HIS wife. Here's my precious love story about how the man of my dreams proposed.

Dan and I have been together for almost nine months. From the start, something was different about my relationship with him. I had dated before, sure, but I had never felt like THIS. I had never told someone I loved them, but within the first month of our relationship, I found myself returning the words, "I love you!" and meaning them with all my heart.

Knowing that I loved Dan and he loved me, I didn't really doubt we were going to get married. The timing, on the other hand, was a big question for me. I had no idea when, where, or how Dan would propose. He knew a few things about my dreams though. He knew I wanted to be surprised and that I wanted pictures. He came through!

Last Thursday night, on December 5, 2013, Dan and I decided to take a walk. The walk was actually my idea, not his, so I suspected nothing. We decided to walk along the pedestrian bridge next to the causeway. It was a gorgeous night and we stopped often to look at the city lights and talk. When we reached the top of the bridge, Dan stopped and started looking across the water. I stood in front of him and wrapped his arms around my shoulders and we looked for manatees in the water. At the perfect moment, I got distracted by something in the water and turned to say something to Dan and bumped my head on his chin, messing up the twist in my hair. I stepped away to put the bobby pins back in place, completely distracted, and when I turned around Dan was no longer standing. He was on one knee holding a little box with a gorgeous ring!

I screamed and gasped and covered my mouth and all at once noticed someone was snapping pictures while Dan was saying sweet amazing words I can't even remember! But when he said, "I want to spend my life with you. Will you marry me?" I said, "Yes, of course!!!" and kissed him like crazy.

And that, my friends, is my wonderful engagement story!